Friday, April 25, 2008

Do we have to follow the Sabbath?

Well, this has been a debate for a long time and in my quick little blog post I'm not going even try to go into all the different scriptures that could support or oppose the notion that we are obligated to keep a strict Sabbath.

I thought God gave the Jews the day off, so they wouldn't have to work for someone else on that day. They could attend to their own personal business, they certainly could worship God, and they could do nothing if they so wanted. Do nothing? God wants us to worship him. Amen, but do you thing God is understanding? (Have you ever had a child not want to participate in a family event? Did you punish them or did you let them sit it out even though you wanted them to participate and have fun. I bet you didn't love them any less).

I will say this: If the Sabbath was given to the Jews so they had a day where they could appreciate God and that they could rest, why is it that the CoG members treat it as a work-a-thon? My buddy who is a member goes in really early and comes home real late. I'm mean he puts in an 18 hour day. The CoG works him to the bone...mandatory study.....after mandatory study...after mandatory study. Where's the rest? I guess if that's what you want to do, then it fits within what I stated above. But if you feel, guilty about not participating, or pressured that if you don't spend as much time as everyone else...then it's for the wrong reasons.

Now keep in mind, if you're not Jewish this isn't even an issue...Christians have never been told explicitly that the Sabbath is a requirement. Some will say because Jesus kept the Sabbath that you need to too, but keep in mind Jesus was Jewish...are you?

God Bless,



Anonymous said...

world mission church of god ahnsahnghong is breaking families apart. It is definetely a cult. They manipulate people using bible verses according to their own interpretation.

Anonymous said...

Why do you believe in Jesus if he is a Jew???? so your savior is a Jewish man???

COGinator said...

Yes, Jesus was, (and is) a Jew. I don't think you'll find too many people to argue that point as it's well documented in the bible.

Elohist said...

Again I'm looking through your post and its sad to say a lot of christians try to dispute the Sabbath by saying our savior Jesus is Jewish.. but to some degree yes he is a jew.. but then I can also say this in a lot of your feeble attempts to derail the doctrine of the COG you use alot of text from the bible which contain the words of Jesus... I think you should stop doing that if you believe he is a jew! I think all of the christians must stop using the words of Jesus in the four gospels in the NT.. When Jesus preached did he preach as a Jew or a Christian?? so you have the right or knowledge to say 'Oh he did this cuz he was a Jew but this he did as a christian' oh please, you are a down right activist for satan! Everything Jesus our savior did because he is our savior! if you believe your sataneous notion of 'he was was a jew' then I tell you stop quoting our saviours words 'the jews' words in your work for satan. Maybe God will have pitty when you face him.
-Coginator- DEBUNKED-